Offset Option in Protection and Recovery Test Policies

We are excited to announce a new feature in Appranix that will enhance the accuracy and flexibility of our protection and recovery test policies. Introducing the Offset feature, which allows you to specify event timings with even greater precision to meet your specific needs.

Previously, when configuring policies on an hourly or daily basis, Appranix only provided frequency options for every hour, like 1 AM, 2 AM, and so on. However, we understand that there are scenarios where customers may require policies to be triggered at non-standard times, like 12:10 AM or 1:55 AM, etc.

With the Offset feature, you now have the ability to configure policies at precise timings, including minutes past the hour. Here are a few key points to note regarding the Offset feature

  • Offset input: The offset time can only be specified in multiples of 5 minutes.

  • Exclusions: Offset functionality is not available for 15-minute and 30-minute intervals.

The Offset feature will significantly enhance the flexibility of your protection and recovery test policies, allowing you to tailor them more precisely to your requirements.

Frequency Offset