Global Search

With the introduction of Global Search, finding and accessing your desired resources, including Cloud Assemblies, Cloud Connections, Policies, and more, has never been easier. This enhancement aims to streamline your experience, reduce manual effort, and significantly boost efficiency across your application resiliency workflows.

How Global Search Works

  • Access from Anywhere: The Global Search feature is conveniently located in the Appranix application header, accessible from any page. You'll find a dedicated search bar prominently displayed, ready to assist you in finding the exact resource you're looking for.

  • Search Anything: Whether it's a Cloud Assembly, Cloud Connection, Policy or a specific protected resource within Appranix, simply enter relevant keywords in the search bar. Our intelligent search algorithm will swiftly analyze your query and provide accurate results.

  • Effortless Navigation: Once you initiate a search, Appranix instantly presents a comprehensive list of matching results. You can conveniently review the suggestions and select the desired resource, which will then open on its respective page, reducing the time spent on manual navigation.

Global Search