Azure Storage Account Block Blob Containers Support

We are thrilled to announce that Appranix has enabled support for Azure Storage Account Block Blob Containers! This exciting enhancement empowers you to seamlessly discover and protect all your Storage Account Block Blob Containers within the Appranix platform.

Here's what you can expect:

  • Discovery and Protection: With Appranix, you can effortlessly discover and protect all your Azure Storage Account Block Blob Containers. Whether it's critical data or essential files, rest assured that everything is safeguarded.

  • Efficient Data Replication: Appranix handles all data replication tasks seamlessly, ensuring that your data is securely transferred from your source storage accounts to your designated backup storage accounts in your desired regions.

This new capability not only enhances the security and reliability of your data but also provides peace of mind knowing that your Azure Storage Account Block Blob Containers are fully protected and managed within the Appranix ecosystem.