Azure Recovery

To initiate the recovery from Cloud Assembly, follow the steps below.
  1. Navigate to "Cloud Assemblies" and select the assembly you want to recover.
  2. Select the "Timeline" tab and then choose a protected timeline.
  3. In the timeline view, click "RECOVER" in the header section.
  4. Fill in the name and select the recovery type.
  5. Select the recovery regions and choose the resource groups to recover.
  6. Click "Recover" to create a new recovery.

Recovery Scenarios

Appranix covers the following recovery scenarios during the protected resource's recovery.

Same Region Recovery

Using Appranix, users can recover the entire assembly or specific resource groups.

Note: Using specific resource group recovery, users have the option to recover specific resources within the selected resource group. This option will recover the selected resources back to their source VNet only.

Same region can be achieved using the following options

Existing VNet

Users can recover all their protected compute, storage, and load-balancing resources to an existing customer-managed VNet. User's can enable this option by selecting the VNet mapping option available under "Advanced Options".

Note: During VNet mapping, Appranix asks users to map the source VNet to an equivalent recovery VNet. Users need ensure that the recovery VNet has the same number of subnets and IPs per subnet as the source VNet to avoid recovery failures.

Same VNet

This option allows users to recover resources back to their original VNet. This option is enabled only if you are choosing selected resource recovery.

Create a VNet

Users can recover all their protected resources to a new VNet, which is isolated and created by Appranix using the same source VPC private configuration.

Note: If the above Existing VNet or Same VNet options are not enabled, Appranix will, by default, recover all protected resources to a new clone VNet created by Appranix. For performing a new VNet recovery, users need to protect the source VNet under the cloud assembly.

Cross region recovery

The user can recover the entire assembly or only the selected resource groups to the recovery region. Appranix creates a new resource group and recovers all the protected resources from the chosen resource group or the entire assembly to the recovery region.

Cross region can be achieved using the following options

Existing VNet

Users can recover all their protected compute, storage, and load-balancing resources to an existing customer-managed VNet. User's can enable this option by selecting the VNet mapping option available under "Advanced Options".

Note: During VNet mapping, Appranix asks users to map the source VNet to an equivalent recovery VNet. Users need ensure that the recovery VNet has the same number of subnets and IPs per subnet as the source VNet to avoid recovery failures.

Create a VNet

Users can recover all their protected resources to a new VNet, which is isolated and created by Appranix using the same source VPC private configuration.

Note: If the above Existing VNet options is not enabled, Appranix will, by default, recover all protected resources to a new clone VNet created by Appranix. For performing a new VNet recovery, users need to protect the source VNet under the Cloud Assembly.

Advanced recovery options

  1. Recover scale set without instances: By enabling this option, Appranix will recover the scale set without instances. Once the recovery is over, the scale sets can be scaled up manually or through Appranix webhooks.
    Note: Appranix retains most service private IPs during recovery. However, recovering other services with scale sets may cause static IP loss. VMSS IPs are dynamic by default, potentially increasing the risk of taking other resources' static IPs during recovery. To prevent this, enable 'Recover Scale Set with Zero Instances'.

  2. Enable VNet mapping: By enabling this option, Appranix provides the capability of choosing a custom recovery VNet that already exists in your Azure account. By using this feature, customers have control over mapping their recovery VNet and subnet.

  3. Retain Private IP Range: By enabling this option, Appranix retains all the same source private IPs in the recovered resource. Click here for details
    Note: If you enable "Retain Private IP" along with custom VNet recovery, the recovery VNet CIDR needs to be the same as the source VNet.

  4. Override Resource Dependencies: This option is available only for same VNet recovery. By enabling this option, Appranix recover only VMs and VM Scale Sets all the other dependencies like Load Balancers, Application Gateways, and Network Security Groups will be overridden with the backup configuration.
Appranix Recovery Limitations
  1. The selected resource's recovery will only recover the resources of the selected “resource groups”
  2. For SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL Servers,
    • Only 'Same-Region' & 'Same-Resource group' selected resource recovery is supported
    • Cross-region recovery is not supported due to Azure limitation
  3. For VM's/ VMSS following configurations will not be recovered.
    • Any Extentions
    • Any storage account associated with compute will not be recovered, any fileshares associated will not be mounted.
    • Any auto scaling that is configured will not be recovered.


  • Appranix supports PaaS database protection and recovery only if the Azure backups are enabled for it
  • SQL Servers cannot be restored. Only Databases inside the SQL Server can be restored into the same SQL Server

Delete recovered resources

Appranix allows the deletion of recovered resources using the RESET option. The reset of the recovered instances can be scheduled or performed on demand. The reset helps to delete the recovered resources and roll back the Azure resources to the original state. Resetting helps to reduce the Azure cloud cost that can incur due to recovery testing.

  1. Recovery can be deleted by either scheduling a reset or by triggering a reset immediately
  2. The reset schedule can either be set while configuring recovery or after the completion of recovery
  3. Schedule a reset by choosing the number of hours or days after which the reset has to be triggered
  4. Select the “Reset Now” option to trigger reset immediately
  5. The “Recovery Details” tab has the list of recoveries with essential details of the recovery along with the status of the reset
  6. Once the reset action is triggered, the reset status changes to “Reset In Progress.” When deleted, it changes to “Reset completed”
  7. The “Recovery Logs” tab contains recovery and reset logs. It provides all the details of the execution for recovery, and the reset process details
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